Our Erasmus+Training of Trainers took place in Budapest between 17-19th October 2022 in FutuReg partner High School,the Fazekas Mihály Gyakorló és Általános Gimnázium,the most prestigious high school in Budapest and probably in Hungary, as well.
DIGEQ- Digital Intelligence Growth via Emotional Quality for 13+ youth and youth workers. More information on ?www.futureg.sk/digeq?
Special thanks to
Margaréta Kováčová for previous hard work on ICT law,children protection and now to Vajk Pomichal from Department of Digital Games of Trnava University.
As for consulting concept and project development we are thankful whose effort is huge in the field of education.
We cooperate with trainers who have willingness and perspective to take the methods of training
?Total Participatory Training,?Storytelling,?Board Game,?Gamification,?Peer Mediation and Conflict Resolution etc.)
Ivett Pavlis as trainer of Učiteľ ľavou zadnou or the Hungarian Mental Manko will take this methods as food example to their organisation to develop non- formal educational method. #school #teacher #training #nonformaleducation #digeq
#youth #youthworker #experience #zážitkové vzdelávanie
Trainings are funded by the European Commission European Union ??
NIVaM – Národný inštitút vzdelávania a mládeže – sekcia Mládež
The training was funded by the European Union. Erasmus + Small scal grant Acronym DIGEQ