DIGEQ ToT training of trainers in Budapest

Invitation / Pozvanka / Meghivo

FutuReg invites you to join the event in Budapest. The event is funded by the European Union.

Who we are looking for?

  • Youth 18-30 to be trained
  • Youth workers working with that age group

DIGEQ proposal for Budapest Training of trainers 1.0

09:30 – 10:00
Arrival and registration of participants
10:00 – 10:30
Welcome from the Fazekas and Coordinator
Introduction of the meetings programme
Organisational matters
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee break
Coffee break

11:00 – 13:00
„The Net” – Threats and health risk factors of the social media, prevention programs in Hungary
Experts: Adjunct Beatrix Koronczai PhD (ELTE) Director Magor Pap PhD (SOTE Centre for Health Developement), Adjunct Kapitány-Fövény Máté PhD (SOTE Centre for Health Developement), Moderation: Éva Borenszki-Gutási (SOTE) (SOTE Centre for Health Developement https://semmelweis.hu/egeszsegfejlesztes/akozpontrol/munkatarsak/)

12:30-13:30 Lunch – Cold buffet In the Aula

Afternoon Session:
13:30 – 14:30 Presentation
Videos and good practices in Hungary – online educational material for teachers and parents
14:30 – 15:00 Reflection
Discussion, organisational matters
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break
Facultative cultural programme, visit
Evening: mutual dinner (venue later)

Day 2
Tuesday, 18th October 2022
Venue: Budapesti Fazekas Mihály Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gimnázium, Budapest, Horváth Mihály tér 8. Morning Session:
09:00 – 10:30
Introduction to the board game, workshop – Márta Szabó and László Veress (teacher, Fazekas)
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee break
In the aula
11:00 – 12:30
Digital isolation of youth (Lessons of a study among Youth during the Covid-closure) – Dőri Kornél (online presentation)
Lunch – Cold buffet
In the Aula 13:30 – 14:00 Closing circle Reflection
Afternoon: free for walk in the city
Evening: Social dinner

Day 3
Wednesday, 19th October 2022
Venue: Budapesti Fazekas Mihály Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gimnázium, Budapest, Horváth Mihály tér 8. Morning Session:
9:00 – 10:45
Classroom visits
Classroom-visits and consultations
10:45 – 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 – 12.30
Workshop „A”: Panem et bellum! Good practices: a project with 3D printing, history and boardgame. Interactive workshop (Grade 5-8) – Tarczal-Márta Edit
Workshop „B”: Good practices, and projects for and with youth (Grade 9-12) – István Földvári (teacher, Fazekas

The aim of the small partnership project FUTUREG, GLAFKA, FAZEKAS is to support digital knowledge, the growth of digital intelligence by means of the emotional balance of young people, who create emotional techniques for online conflict resolution and the so-called teaching emotional skills for young people. It is a way of preventing bullying and cyberbullying through the exchange of experience, best practice, training of young trainers through participation and development of curricula for informal education of young people in the field of digital resilience. The priority of digital transformation and the growth of digital intelligence using the emotional quality of young people by the EU Safer Internet challenge. The project partners feel responsible for the appropriate provision of digital knowledge for young people for online education in EU institutions.

DIGEQ is a joint youth concept that is absolutely necessary to support the safety of children and young people of the project in the online environment – not only because of the COVID 19 pandemic, but in general because of the digital transformation of the current era. In March 2020, children and youth suddenly found themselves in an unexpected situation that forced everyone to learn professional digital knowledge. If young people and children themselves or social campaigns do not react in time to raise awareness and understandably the most pressing problems of the constant presence of the internet. HORIZONTAL principles: Addressing digital transformation through the development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity Priorities: Common values, civic engagement and active citizenship Youth: Increasing the quality, innovation and recognition of youth work New educational and teaching methods and approaches Digital youth work Digital skills and competences

Cieľom projektu drobného partnerstva FUTUREG, GLAFKA,FAZEKAS je podpora digitálnych vedomostí, rastu digitálnej inteligencie pomocou emocionálnej rovnováhy mladých, ktoré vytvárajú emocionálne techniky rezolúcie online konfliktov a tzv. výuka emocioných komepetencí pre mladých ľudí. Je to spôsob prevencie bullying a kyberšikany pomocou výmeny skúsenosti, best practice, tréningu mladých trénerov pomocou participácie a vývoja učebných pláno pre neformálne vzdelávanie mladých v oblasti digitálnej reziliencie. Priorita digitálnej transformácie a rast digitálnej inteligencie pomocou emocionálnej kvality mladých výzvou EU Safer Internet. Partneri projektu cítia zodpovednosť za vhodné poskytnutiedigitálnych vedomostí pre mladých pre online vzdelávanie v inštitúciách v EÚ. DIGEQ je spoločný mládežnícky koncept, ktorý je nevyhnutne potrebný na podporu bezpečnosti detí a mladých ľudí projektu v online prostredí – nielen kvôli pandémii COVID 19, ale celkovo kvôli digitálnej transformácií súčasnej doby. V marci 2020 sa deti a mládež zrazu ocitli v nečakanej situácii, ktorá všetkých nútila sa naučiť odborné digitálne vedomosti. Ak sami mladí a deti alebo spoločenské kampane nezareagujú včas na zvýšenie povedomia a zrozumiteľne na najpálčivejšie problémy neustálej prítomnosti aňna nete.

HORIZONTÁLNE princípy: Riešenie digitálnej transformácie prostredníctvom rozvoja digitálnej pripravenosti, odolnosti a kapacity

  1. Spoločné hodnoty, občianska angažovanosť a aktívne občianstvo
  2. Mládež: Zvýšenie kvality, inovácií a uznania práce s mládežou
  3. Nové vzdelávacie a vyučovacie metódy a prístupy
  4. Digitálna práca s mládežou
  5. Digitálne zručnosti a kompetencie

DIGEQ proposal for Budapest Training of trainers 1.0