Educational Course Grant management & Project management (EN)

Practical training course for job seekers, for non-profit organizations, on what you need to know about project development to write, implement and complete a successful project.

Do you want to implement a great idea, but don’t know where to find a source for it? Even though you know where to apply, don’t know how to get started?

Perhaps you have already written an application, but it was not successful at the time and you want to revise it?

Want an overview of the world of applications? Or do you just want to gain new knowledge about an interesting topic that could open up new horizons for you?

Who might be interested in the training? = job seekers who are looking for a job in the field of project or management = civil associations, non-profit organizations, cultural municipalities and other non-profit institutions

Course module: Educational workshops on what you need to know about the world of tenders, grants and applications to complete a successful project. Would you like to implement your idea for a non-profit purpose, but don’t know where to get resources? Even though you know where to apply, don’t know how to get started? Perhaps you have already submitted an application, but it was not successful at the time and you would like to modify it? Would you like to gain insight into the world of apps? Or do you just want to gain new knowledge about an interesting topic that can open new horizons for you?

What can you learn during the training program?


-Courses offer a taste of the following topics and descriptions: – local submission of a procedure request (city, regional, regional opportunities) – interesting possibilities of applying the inclusive topic of the SR OP (operational programs) e.g. ministries, foundations – international challenges We will also look at some of these challenges: Vysehrad Fund, INTERREG, Norwegian Fund, Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, Europe for Citizens Creative Europe, etc. Organizer: FutuReg PT, Location: ONLINE, Meets interested parties will receive a link to log in after registration Participant fee, which includes training materials, presentations, case studies and picking up assignments during the course: 300 euros / day Participants of the entire training series receive a project management certificate. The course takes place with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 participants, participants will receive online access to the course materials after registration. Supervisor PhDr. Lívia Bott Domonkos, PhD is a lecturer, consultant, chairman of the o.z. FutuReg and mediator, lecturer of the subjects Social Business, Sociology, Research Methodology at VŠSvAlžbety in Dunajská Streda and lecturer on the subject of Management of EU programs and projects at the Department of International Management, Faculty of Management of the Comenius University. She is the co-author of the textbook Regional economic policy of the EU and the author of the ebook Conflicts. You can sign up by e-mail to by 11/12/2022 with a short description of what interests you most about the topic? We look forward to seeing you at the online training! OR IN CASE OF SERIOUS INTEREST register

Praktický vzdelávací kurz pre záujemcov o prácu, pre neziskové organizácie o tom, čo potrebujete vedieť o rozvoji projektov, aby ste mohli napísať, implementovať a dokončiť úspešný projekt.

Chcete implementovať super myšlienku, ale neviete, kde pre ňu nájsť zdroj? Aj keď viete, kam sa prihlásiť, neviete, ako začať? Možno ste už napísali žiadosť, ale tá vtedy nebola úspešná a chcete ju prepracovať? Chcete prehľad o svete žiadostí? Alebo chcete ibac získať nové vedomosti o zaujímavej téme, ktorá by vám mohla otvoriť nové horizonty?

Koho by mohlo zaujímať školenie?

= záujemcovia o prácu, ktorí si hľadajú prácu v oblasti projektového alebo managementu

= občianske združenia, neziskové organizácie, obce kultúrne a iné neziskové inštitúcie

Modul kurzu:

Náš kurz prebieha v týchto termínoch.

Rozvíjaj sa projektovo

Cena konkrétneho pripraveného projektu alebo grantu, ktorý si počas kurzu viete pripraviť real – time je v hodnote 1500 EUR (nie sme platcami DPH, konečná cena)
POZOR!!!! Ak chcete kurz absolvovať úplne zadarmo tak sa zaregistrujte ako ZoZ na Úrade práce sociálnych vecí a rodiny SR.
Projekt je určený pre záujemcov o zamestnanie (ZoZ), ktorí sa chcú vzdelávať či rozvíjať svoje zručnosti v súlade s aktuálnymi potrebami trhu práce. Teda pre tých občanov, ktorí neboli zaradení do evidencie na úrade práce ako nezamestnaní, ale v súčasnosti sú zamestnancami napríklad malej firmy a hľadajú si iné zamestnanie. Prípadne majú záujem o kurz/vzdelávanie z dôvodu zmien na aktuálnom trhu práce.