The aim of the small partnership project FUTUREG, GLAFKA,FAZEKAS is to promote digital knowledge, the growth of digital intelligence through the emotional balance of young people, creating emotional resolution techniques for online conflicts and the so-called teaching of emotional comepetence for young people. It is a way to prevent bullying and cyberbullying by sharing experiences, best practices, training young trainers through participation and developing curricula for non-formal education of young people in digital resilience. Prioritising digital transformation and the growth of digital intelligence through the emotional quality of young people by the EU Safer Internet challenge. The project partners feel responsible for the appropriate provision of digital knowledge for young people for online learning in EU institutions. DIGEQ is a common youth concept that is urgently needed to promote the safety of children and young people of the project in the online environment – not only because of the COVID 19 pandemic, but overall because of the digital transformation of our time. In March 2020, children and youth suddenly found themselves in an unexpected situation that forced everyone to learn professional digital knowledge. If the youth and children themselves or social campaigns do not react in time to raise awareness and comprehensibly to the most pressing issues of the constant presence of the anna on the net.

HORIZONTAL PRINCIPLES: Addressing digital transformation through the development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity
Shared values, civic engagement and active citizenship
Youth: Increasing the quality, innovation and recognition of youth work
New learning and teaching methods and approaches
Digital youth work
Digital skills and competences

Project activities

1.1 Kick off meeting.
1.2 Best practice quide
1.3 Project Management
2.1 Offline Handbook on Digital Citizenship
2.2 Online DIGEQ workshop materials/ DIGEQ videos
3.1.Seminar for Youth Workers –  Prague
3.2.Mediation training  – in Dunajská Streda 2022
3.2 Train the traines in Budapešti Oct. 2022


Medialization of project

1.1. kick off meeting – úvodné stretnutie
1.2. Best practice guide-  Príručka dobrej praxe
1.3 Project Management- projektový manažment
2.1 Offline Handbook on Digital Citizenship – Ofline Príručka – Pravidlá Hry 


EPALE (available with EU login)

ETWINNING Partners responsible (available for schools)

2.2 Online DIGEQ workshop materials – Videá DIGEQ
3.1.Seminar for Youth Workers
3.2 Medializácia v Csallókoz týždenníku jún 2022
3.2 Train the trainers Budapest







The project is funded by the European Union.2021-1-SK02-KA210-YOU-000033913
