As a participant of the international DIGEQ project, the FutuReg team took part in an experience-rich conference in Prague.
After a 4-hour drive and familiarization with the Prague parking regulations, we immediately entered the conference room.
The presentation of the daily program was followed by the presentation of the member organizations. Glafka was introduced to the participants by Gabriela Vlčková, Fazekas Gimnázium Márta Szabó and FutuReg Lívia Bott. Then the conversation continued about the Best Practices Guide.
After a short coffee break, Márta presented a board game prototype created by the Fazekas High School team. We discussed the continuation and ending of the game together and divided the tasks in this direction between us. This was followed by a discussion and finalization of the dates of future meetings and plans, as well as consultations regarding the program plan of the meeting in Dunajská Streda. The professional program ended with the negotiation of financial expenses and a joint photo shoot.