Hexagon Tales, a tool for exploring sensitive topics in the educational environment, is now available as a teacher’s guide.

Hexagon Tales is a collaborative fairy/story game for 3-8 players. Hexagon Tales was designed to provide teachers with a tool to explore sensitive topics in an educational setting. The game system can support stories on a wide variety of topics. There is currently one story about cyberbullying, but more stories are planned. But everyone can create their own story if they are interested in it.

The Hexagon Tales project aims to provide a deeper understanding of a sensitive topic through a story, under low pressure and in an emotionally safe environment. This is done by making connections between different parts of the story, which makes students think about how certain aspects of the story relate to each other, and presenting relevant concepts by linking them to the parts of the story.

Hexagon Tales aims to: develop empathy, cooperation, communication skills, language skills; accelerate social responsibility and community; emphasize effective participation in the digital world; facilitate critical thinking and self-knowledge or reflection.

The game is currently available in English, Hungarian and Slovak, while it is planned to be translated into other languages.

You can find it here: Hexagon Tales_hra

Erasmus+ project called Digital Intelligence growth via Emotional Quality of Youth DIGEQ.

Project number 2021-1-SK02-KA210-YOU-000033913

This video has been funded by the European Union.