Digital EQ in the form of a mediation seminar in Dunajská Streda

DIGEQ or digital emotional intelligence in Dunajská Streda in the mood of the three-day security-psychological discussion. The first day of the international conference on digital emotional intelligence was held in the premises of the Danube Central University with the participation of OZ FutuReg, among the conference topics were mediation, child protection, online safety and the connection of all these to social work. Several of the speakers were teachers of St. Elizabeth’s University in Dunajská Streda, who emphasized that there is a growing need to increase digital emotional intelligence in education and its subfields, as it is through education that we can most effectively reach children and their surroundings and prepare them to use the online world, e.g. . addressing and preventing online bullying, digital self-defense and using online safety tools. Participating partners were Budapesti Fazekas Mihály Gyakorló Primary and Gymnasium and Glafka in Prague, which deals with adult education. The cooperation of the partners has resulted in the preparation of a methodical manual and a social game where educational videos connect the online and offline worlds. The social game “Follow Me” was also introduced, through which children can learn the elements of critical thinking and their practical use. On the second day of the conference, the DIGEQ team visited the Secondary Vocational School for Rural Development in Dunaszerdahely, where we had the opportunity to watch a school mediation class taught by mediator Lívia Bott Domonkos.

The atmosphere of the class was extremely relaxed and cheerful, the children watched the interactive presentation and then enthusiastically participated in situational tasks. The third and last day of the conference was held in

the New York conference room in Dunajská Streda. The topics of the presentations were online trends, online security and cyberbullying.

Those interested could participate in the event online and offline after a short registration for free. After the presentations, the participants could receive their diplomas. The message of the conference was clearly that the key to online safety is education. Due to the fact that social and technological changes take place constantly, it is necessary to adapt educational methods to them. We consider it our goal that children and their surroundings are able to respond to these technological changes as quickly and efficiently as possible. Meetings continue in Budapest and Prague.

The educational materials created during the project can be downloaded from the FutuReg website. The conference was supported by the European Union under DIGEQ project number of the ERASMUS+ subprogramme.

Erasmus+ project called Digital Intelligence growth via Emotional Quality of Youth DIGEQ.

Project number 2021-1-SK02-KA210-YOU-000033913.