This Course Book was compiled within the Erasmus+ (KA210-ADU) project “WOWIT – Women’s Opportunities at Workmarket by Inclusive Techniques”. It represents a compendium of different techniques and tools that can be used by trainers as well as women themselves to empower, enhance and enrich their skills and competences for an improved inclusion in the workmarket. Each technique and tool was not only applied several times by the trainer in their respective organisation, but also tested and discussed in the “Training of the trainers” workshop of WOWIT.
The Course Book is available and can be downloaded here.
The Course Book covers several different areas that aim at different skills and fields: Communication Techniques, followed by Mediation and Facilitation Skills, and Economic Legislation and HR Issues.
The first area, Communication Techniques, aims at facilitating communication, fostering creativity, and emphasising the relevance of nonverbal communication. Next, techniques and tools in the area of Mediation and Facilitation Skills encourage participants and trainers to elevate their networking skills and to devote themselves to self-reflection, self-love and consequently into higher appreciations of own accomplishments and value. While the preceding two areas predominantly fall within the field of soft skills, the third area, Economic Legislation and HR Issues, focuses more on hard skills, such as writing proposals, coping with business challenges in the EU, etc.
All the courses and techniques contained within this course book touch on one overarching theme: the variety of HR issues which women can be faced with on the work market, especially if they are re-entering it or reshaping their business. Not only are the presented methods valuable and useful for trainers and women alike, they can also be utilised by employers who would like to enhance their skills as well as the skills of their (potential) employees.
The WOWIT-Team, Futureg from Slovakia, Društvo Novus from Slovenia, and Rovnovážka from the Czech Republic, cooperated on several events and worked on documents that are aiming to become an inspiration not only for participants and the team members but also for other organisations and entities at national and international levels.
The WOWIT project goal is to inform and educate about equal opportunities for women by organising events that will promote the idea and bring together the community, women of all ages, mothers and experts.
The WOWIT-Team and all its contributors wish you lots of successful implementation within your individual organisation and context.
The project is co-funded by the European Union. Project Number: 2021-1-SK01-KA210-ADU-000034089