Minority Kids


Humankind is obliged to give the child the best. (UN Convention on Children Rights)

The project and online counseling (www.minoritykids.sk) is dedicated to children living in minority communities.

Equality of Children and their best interest under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, effective education of children, the status of children and mothers in society, cohabitation of children and mothers from decent birth to alternative nurseries, fairy tales to therapies. Small children Minor Kids living as Minority Kids in Multicultural environment should have the conditions applied to the best interest of the child.

They said about us:

“We believe that the project can also help to create healthy motherhood, which will contribute to the healthy development of society and children in the long term, because there is still some sort of respect and distance from active acting. “Krisztina Mészáros (teacher, coach, mediator).

“In addition to the serious legal issues, we come with a light-hearted form of cooperation, with practical articles on pregnancy, childbirth, childhood and parenthood during childcare.” Anita Veress, counselor of  Gravid Info.