

  • more then 400 students educated
  • more then 1000 parents educated
  • more then 500 teachers educated

FUTUREG  civic organization is involved in various training projects  in non-formal  education of adults, VET education and school education – both at national and international level, for professionals, school teachers, kids and adults in using ICT competences and cybersecurity education, games and social media education.

Present training courses are in the domain of business models for startups, project management courses, grant writing skills, cultural awareness for trainers, community development, ICT for kids.

Following  international  projects have been recently completed/ in phase of development :

KIDSAFEDU WETA SK HU/1901/ 317 (year 2020-2021)


(year 2019-2021),5 High Schools

  • KIDSAFEDU ONLINE – ( Year 2019-2021)
  • TOLERANCE – Roma and Hungarian kids in Slovakia a culture road of awareness via the modern and intercultural diversity, ( (year 2019-2021)

For more information, please visit

2020 – Mediation in High School

2020 -Tolerance and children

2019 – Implemented thanks to the Fund of Culture for National Minorities of the Slovak Republic Program

The aim of the project is to develop multicultural education, respect for diversity and the rights of national minorities through the education of parents. At the same time, a methodological manual will be developed focusing on the education of children, the development of didactic and methodical skills. The intent is a network of active parents in the area of multicultural education who would meet and develop the idea of the project.


The study focuses on the rural areas located in the suburban zone in agglomerations and peripheral regions, specifically in the microregion of Žitný ostrov- Csallóköz – Rye Island, in  Southern- Slovakia. Special attention is devoted in study to the rapid demographic growth of population and suburbanisation processes in the context of cultural and social interation and life quality. Besides generally acceptable statistical data, there are primary data collected thorugh survey in suburban villages with quiestionnaires.  The impact of suburbanization is not only economic, social and demographic issue, but it became also a determining factor in globalized mankind in all directions, more and more dealing with environmental influences, as well. The study finally summarizes, wheater the suburbanization has effects on culture and everyday life of inhabitants in terms of economic and demographic development in Žitný ostrov in the last decade.

2018- Implemented thanks to the Fund of Culture for National Minorities of the Slovak Republic Program

Minority Kids – online supportive child-oriented consulting blog for Hungarian parents in Slovakia

The aim of the project is to develop multicultural education, respect for diversity and the rights of national minorities through the education of parents. At the same time, a methodological manual will be developed focusing on the education of children, the development of didactic and methodical skills. The intent is a network of active parents in the area of childcare, children’s rights, green education who would meet and develop the idea of the project.

 Edition of  Conference Book  CHILDREN IN MINORITIES



2017- Implemented thanks to the Government Office of the Slovak Republic Program KNM 2017

Multicultural fairy tales

The aim of the project is to present multicultural fairy tales for national minorities, especially Hungarian, Czech and Roma children and their parents. The intent is to implement joint creative-experience workshops for children on a mixed national territory with the help of a video-text presentation of the fairy tales, the traditional habits of national minorities in the region. The project is aimed at removing barriers between members of the majority society and members of national minorities. These barriers often result from unrecognizable and ethnic, ethnic and cultural groups. living in the same territory. Especially the territory of southern Slovakia, where Slovaks, Hungarians and Roma live side by side for centuries. Nevertheless, they know their cultures only superficially and inconspicuously.

Multiculture fairy tales I – Bratislava´s fairy tales

Multiculture fairy tales II- Šamorín´s fairy tales

Minority Kids Offline

The aim of the project is a series of interethnic  meetings for children of the Hungarian, Czech, Roma minority and other minorities with the majority Slovak society, with the intention of discovering the knowledge of children and their families about individual cultures. The target group is Hungarian and Roma, as well as their mothers involved in the Phoenix Minority Kids project. Meetings develop different themes not only with educated children, but also with cultural figures. The motto of the meeting is a credo: tolerance and non-discrimination and the suppression of racism are the foundation of a dignified and democratic society.

The aim of the project is to develop multicultural education, respect for diversity and the rights of national minorities through the education of parents. At the same time, a methodological manual will be developed focusing on the education of children, the development of didactic and methodical skills. The intent is a network of active parents in the area of multicultural education who would meet and develop the idea of the project.

Mutual region – research of the multicultural environment of the cross-border region

The aim of the research is to explore the multi-ethnic region of Žitný ostrov and to compare it with multicultural Czech, Polish cross-border regions in terms of culture and identity of national minorities. Through field research, to document all the various and common facts and findings in the western cross-border regions of Slovakia where the Polish, Hungarian, German (Austrian) and Czech national minorities live. This task will be carried out on the basis of the cooperation of our institution with members of regional experts, teachers, and selected persons from the different regions. Research will be conducted according to predefined tasks and questionnaires, and its results will be integrated into our think-tanks. The outcome of the research should be the Mutual Region publication, which includes the research of several nationalities in terms of cultural values, cultural heritage and cross-border cooperation of the regions.


Website on MVO Opportunities in a Multicultural Region –

The aim of the project is to mediate information through an online information channel providing insight into development opportunities in the regions where Hungarian, Polish, Czech citizens and other national minorities live next to the borders. The aim is to clarify the basic socio-economic concepts, economic facts, the possibilities of drawing financial resources for cross-border projects, the definitions of fudriasing and why it is good to develop the region, its culture  and answer questions like

national minorities can cooperate and develop their regions. In addition to economy, regionalism, culture, and history, the portal will bring contributions to topics of nationality, national politics, and contributions to other topics. In the long run, the portal aims to focus on crowdfunding and information on obtaining grants and donate.


Anyá ONLINE MOTHER- creative, task-oriented, supportive group for Minority Kdis project management

CsaládbarátOK Fóruma Forum of Friend of Family

Information provided for Hungarian families in Slovakia, mainly in Bratislava